Friday, June 24th, 2005
DCist Help Wanted
One of the editors of DCist is leaving, and we’re looking for a replacement. Catherine was one of the first people to join Mike and I in our little endeavor, and has been an excellent and reliable blogger and been instrumental helping DCist be so successful. We’ll be sad to see her go! She has posted to her blog a description of who we’re looking for:
as it stands, my responsibilities at DCist aren’t entirely focused, but i do the following every week, or at least try to:
- write a weekly music agenda on mondays of shows that i think will be good
- do a DCist music interview with a local band, to be published on thursdays
- write a weekend picks post on fridays, highlighting interesting events on friday, saturday, and sunday
- try to write or solicit-and-edit one or two concert reviews every week or two.
If you are interested drop me a line. She also has these nice things to say about the site:
anyway, DCist is totally great and has been one of the most positive things i’ve ever been involved in. all the staff have become good friends, and they’re an amazing group of motivated and talented people. i’m too sad to be leaving, but since i have to, i want to find one (or two, perhaps) really good, committed people that would be willing to cover music stuff and help DCist grow even more awesome …
Comments (0) • Posted to Washington D.C. • Site Announcements by Rob at 10:51 am
Monday, June 6th, 2005
The Colors of This Blog
I just posted a gallery in Flickr of screenshots of this website’s various designs. (Inspired by this set.)
As a reminder, you can find anything on this blog with google here, or just type “” after your google search.
Comments (0) • Posted to Site Announcements by Rob at 10:55 pm
Wednesday, May 25th, 2005
More Site Changes
I moved the photos on the top as the Flickr photo badge seemed a bit buggy. Thoughts?
After mentioning the Glover Park Yahoo group on DCist, the group gained 33 members, now at 96 members. I also posted today on DCist on neighborhood listservs in the city. My petition to allow Town Hall to stay open until 2 a.m. now has three signers - go add your name!
Comments (1) • Posted to Site Announcements by Rob at 11:02 am
Monday, May 23rd, 2005
New Design
After mucking around up to my elbows in CSS over the weekend I seem to have emerged with a design which is more or less workable. What do people think? I was shooting for a synthasis of Kottke and the old GoodspeedUpdate. I thought it was interesting the site attracted two comments almost immediately after the redesign, confirming my hunch that the old site didn’t attract many comments because it was too busy and confusing. The category pull-down box doesn’t seem to work in IE and I need to fix up the events calendar, but aside from that things look O.K.
Comments (1) • Posted to Site Announcements by Rob at 9:21 am
Saturday, April 9th, 2005 Named Runner-up Best Blog in Ann Arbor
Yes, you read right. Current Magazine has selected this website for 2nd place in the “Best Blog” category in their 2005 Best of Washtenaw County. Ann Arbor is Overrated won first - congratulations!
Comments (0) • Posted to Ann Arbor • Site Announcements by Rob at 11:42 am
Tuesday, March 15th, 2005
Site Redesign
Ok, you are required to post a comment to this one, I have forgotten if they work! I have added a fourth column to the design with my photos. Too much? Just right? I was worried my events were getting buried.
The many colors of the GU:
At first it was an ugly blue
Then this rather sophisticated green
Then a “garish” pink
Finally a black and white and grey design
Comments (5) • Posted to Site Announcements • Technology by Rob at 10:27 pm
Saturday, February 26th, 2005
My Profiles
incircle (U-M)
Comments (0) • Posted to Site Announcements • Technology by Rob at 2:09 am
Monday, December 20th, 2004
A Call for Bloggers
I am looking for collaborators interested in helping create a news and issues blog about progressive student activism in the United States. I am looking for current students (K-PhD) or recent grads with experience in grassroots organizing or working for independent and advocacy media and with a wide variety of ideological, personal, and issue backgrounds and experiences. If you are interested please email me ASAP: rob(at)
Comments (0) • Posted to Politics • Site Announcements • Blogosphere by Rob at 2:55 pm
Tuesday, December 14th, 2004
I’m still working on straightening out my AOL Instant Messenger name, so in the interim my new name is RobGoodspeed
Comments (0) • Posted to Site Announcements • Technology by Rob at 4:18 pm
Monday, September 27th, 2004
DCist Server Upgrade
We are moving the DCist site to a new server, so it will be unavailable until later today.
Comments (0) • Posted to Site Announcements by Rob at 9:41 am
Monday, September 20th, 2004
New System
I have just imported the entries from my old blog into Wordpress, a new blogging system I have switched to. Unfortunately the comments have been lost in the new system, but they are still available on the old blogger copies available on the server.
You might have some questions:
Where’s the old index page?
- A copy of the last index file from the old page is located here.
I’m looking for an old post - where can I find it?
- You have two ways to find old content. First, I’ve imported all the old entries into this system - enter a keyword into the search box on the right. Second, if you still can’t find it, and you suspect it was a static page (seperate from the blog), search the entire using Google.
Why isn’t this website all about Ann Arbor? Who is the author? is run by Rob Goodspeed. (Read the last official post of the previous version of this site here.) I graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in a degree in History with High Honors in May 2004. (My honors thesis is available on the left under “my writings.") I have moved to Washington D.C. I’m not really sure how this blog will evolve, but thanks for reading!
Comments (2) • Posted to Site Announcements by Rob at 7:19 pm
Friday, August 20th, 2004 Launch Monday is a popular news blog in New York City that averages over 30,000 unique visitors each day - frequently over 150,000 each week. That site has recently expanded to Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Starting Monday, I’ll be editing with my friend Mike Grass their Washington D.C. site, which will enter a public beta phase that day. The official launch is planned for early September. If you’d like a sneak preview before Monday, drop me an email. (rob.goodspeed (at)
Comments (1) • Posted to Washington D.C. • Site Announcements by Rob at 1:59 pm Edit This